Andrew has over seven years of land use planning experience, including work for both public and private-sector clients. His expertise includes drafting clear, implementable, and defensible regulations that achieve local objectives, and working with Planning Commissions and City Councils to shepherd those regulations through the local adoption process. Andrew assists clients on all phases of development, including master planning, feasibility analysis, code interpretation and due diligence, and permitting strategy, and submittal.

Prior to joining Van Ness Feldman, Andrew worked as a planner for an architecture and planning firm in Southern California.

  • Experience
    • Review and process development applications as a contract planner for the City of Snoqualmie. Responsibilities include review of project permit applications for consistency with municipal code, leading city review process including compliance with deadlines and notice requirements, review of public comment letters, coordination with applicants and their consultants, preparing staff reports, and interfacing with other city staff.
    • For a municipal client, utilized GIS to develop noticing process for stakeholder groups for district redevelopment plan. Conducted online outreach sessions with City staff to determine stakeholder priorities. Processed results of economic, environmental, and outreach efforts and created a feasible, market-driven land use plan that achieved City and stakeholder objectives that involved a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change. Wrote development standards, design guidelines, and implementation policies for the downtown district.
    • Developed Master Plan visioning document that reused existing oil fields as sites for future retail and residential development. Designed realistic site planning alternatives and urban design features that communicated district identity and site historical heritage while meeting economic objectives.
    • Assisted private university with the development of adaptive reuse land use plan alternatives based on client needs. Incorporated client requirements and land use plan design into Master Plan document. Analyzed traffic and engineering reports and construction data to write Mitigated Negative Declaration, satisfying California Environmental Quality Act requirements.
  • Professional Affiliations
  • Awards & Honors
  • Bar & Court Admissions
  • Government Service
  • News & Presentations
  • Thought Leadership

Areas of Focus


California Polytechnic State University B.S., City and Regional Planning
Minor, Sustainable Environment
Magna Cum Laude