
Kyle Danish Featured on Capitol Crude Podcast on Methane Emission Reduction Issues

December 8, 2021

Reducing carbon emissions has been a central tenet of the Biden administration’s climate agenda. But methane is over 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide emissions in terms of global warming potential. Roughly a quarter of the warming occurring now is driven by methane, and the oil and gas sector is the single largest source of those emissions in the US.

With that in mind, it’s no surprise that methane garnered a lot of attention at the global climate talks in Glasgow, Scotland last month. And domestically, the Environmental Protection Agency has proposed tougher methane regulations while Congress is weighing the imposition of a fee on methane emissions above certain emissions intensity targets.

Jasmin Melvin, a senior editor with S&P Global Platts spoke with Kyle Danish, head of our Climate Change practice, about the proposed methane regulations and a pending Supreme Court case that could send shockwaves through US climate policy.

Listen to the podcast (23:43)

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