
The Basics of FERC Ratemaking for the Pipeline Industry

May 13, 2024

New Mexico State University Center for Public Utilities

Sheraton Uptown Albuquerque, NM

Both Michael Pincus and Michael Diamond will be teaching at this year's "The Basics of FERC Ratemaking for the Pipeline Industry" course at New Mexico State University's Center for Public Utilities from May 13-17,2024.   The course is designed to capture the nuances of the natural gas pipeline industry and will cover the following topics: 

  • Overview of the pipeline industry
  • FERC ratemaking authority under the NGA
  • FERC regulation of pipeline construction
  • FERC's step-by-step process of determining rates
  • FERC's regulation on Instrastate Pipelines - NGPA Section 311 

For more information and to register, please visit the New Mexico State University's Center for Public Utilities Website. 


Michael R. Pincus
Washington, DC
Email »
Michael Diamond
Washington, DC
Email »

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